Here is what's new in PlayMetrics for 04/30/24
- Tryout number generation can automatically set tryout numbers on players in tryouts. (Impacts Admins)
- Clinic sessions and events can be deleted. (Impacts Admins)
- Seasons can be created by admin users with Club Operations permission. (Impacts Admins)
- Accounting codes can be set on programs by non-financial admin users with access to programs. (Impacts Admins)
- Tryout check-in notifies assistant if player is already registered for tryout when adding a player to the tryout. (Impacts Assistants)
- Tryout player export includes player_gender column. (Impacts Admins)
- Filter staff when selecting evaluators for tryouts. (Impacts Admins)
- Player photo resources can be cropped by admin users within both league players and player resources. (Impacts Admins)
- Team account transaction export column headers updated. (Impacts Admins)
- Duplicate field identifiers are prevented when adding fields. (Impacts Admins)
- Programs alert the user to incomplete required fields when saving. (Impacts Admins)
- Add fees removed from subscription options for centralized team fees. (Impacts Admins)
- Transactions exports include payout_id and payout_date. (Impacts Admins)
- Login performance improved for player contacts. (Impacts Player Contacts)
- Programs performance improvements for viewing programs with team assignments. (Impacts Admins)
- Field plan change notifications can be sent to system administrators. (Impacts Admins)
- Clinics registered players view updated for player contacts. (Impacts Player Contacts)
Questions? Contact PlayMetrics Support for more information or a walk-through. We're happy to help!